Emma Campbell Emma Campbell

Navigating Mental Health at Work: Strategies for Success

My own personal journey with anxiety and mental health

I’ve shared my personal journey dealing with anxiety, a struggle that peaked during my first corporate role a decade ago. It was a challenging period where I had to muster the energy to control my anxiety while maintaining a brave front at work.

Over time, I discovered a path to improvement through a deep dive into psychology, mental health, and various therapeutic approaches like meditation and neurofeedback. Though the journey took 5-10 years, I can confidently say I've achieved a 90% improvement. This is massive for me and has seriously changed EVERYTHING. No more shakes, no more hiding, no more heart palpitations - ah, bliss!

This subject holds personal significance for me due to a family history of mental illness, fueling my mission to find solutions for both myself, my family and my clients.

Debunking Myths and Addressing Stigma:

Despite strides in mental health awareness, stigma persists. Employers and employees may view mental health management as cumbersome. It's essential to recognize that individuals dealing with mental health issues can bring unique and creative perspectives to the workplace. With the right support, these individuals can contribute creatively and innovatively, proving beneficial for both personal growth and business success.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

  1. Can we ask someone if they have a mental illness?

While employees aren't obligated to disclose personal medical information, during interviews, it's acceptable to inquire about pre-existing conditions relevant to job requirements.

  • What do I do if a worker is displaying symptoms of mental illness but they have not told me about any issues?

There is no legal obligation for a worker to disclose information about their mental challenges. While you may find this frustrating, disclosure is often a difficult choice for a worker to make.

Encouraging a psychologically safe workplace fosters trust, potentially leading to voluntary disclosure. Creating a workplace that's supportive and understanding encourages trust. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is foster an environment where employees feel safe to share.

  • What are my responsibilities when a worker has not disclosed their mental illness?

A worker may choose not to disclose their mental illness to you, even when it is evident that they are not coping in the workplace.

If a worker is having difficulty performing the key requirements of their job, and this might be related to mental illness I’d suggest:

  • ask if there is any assistance or workplace adjustment that could assist the worker in performing their job

  • offer the choice of seeking confidential support from an Employee Assistance Program or equivalent outside professional advice.

  • offering flexible working arrangements (e.g. job rotation, variable start and finish times)

  • changing the workplace or work area (e.g. moving a worker to a quieter work area)

  • purchasing or modifying equipment

    How do you balance mental health with performance standards?

Applying standard performance management to all workers is crucial. Encouraging open discussions and exploring reasonable work adjustments helps balance personal and professional boundaries.

Encourage and enable the worker to discuss the performance concern and whether there are any health issues that may have impacted on their performance.

As with all workers with performance issues, you need to:

  • address your concerns with the worker in a sensitive manner by identifying work-related adjustments to assist them meet the inherent requirements of the position

  • provide a timeline to implement the work-related adjustments

  • ensure that you and the worker are both clear about the requirements of the job and standards for performance

  • undertake disciplinary action or termination if:

    • it is not a result of mental illness

    • it is directly related to performance or an inability to perform the key requirements of the job

    • it occurs after considering whether reasonable adjustments are possible.

How can you encourage an employee to get help when you can see their mental health is affecting others at work?

Addressing an employee's mental health when it affects others involves addressing any unacceptable behaviour, offering workplace adjustments, and suggesting confidential support options (such as EAP). Recognizing that the journey to mental well-being takes time is crucial.

How can you manage your own mental health when you work with people that have preconceived ideas/stigma about it?

Firstly, if you’re struggling with mental health issues, keep doing what you’re doing to support yourself and get the help and support and healing you need. This could include seeing a psychologist, EAP, medication, exercise, coach… and/all the things that you know work for you.

Then the other part is educating colleagues about mental health, which is vital. This could include getting a mental health expert in to run a workshop with the team to close this information gap for the team.

Share the facts, because mental illness is just as real as a broken leg. It affects every part of a person, and with understanding and support, the journey from surviving to thriving becomes possible.

From surviving to thriving IS possible.

Navigating mental health in the workplace is intricate but necessary for fostering a healthy, productive work environment. By dispelling myths, addressing stigma, and implementing supportive practices, businesses can contribute to the well-being of their employees while achieving success. It's a journey from surviving to thriving, and with the right approach, healing is not only possible but transformative for individuals and the organizations they serve.

To listen to Emma Campbell’s full podcast on this topic, tune in Balancing Mental Health and Performance at Work.

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Emma Campbell Emma Campbell

How to Build a Growth Mindset in your Team

Does you have a growth or fixed mindset? 

Here's 5 signs signs you might have a fixed mindset. 

  1. Number one: you stick to your comfort zone, avoiding the unfamiliar. 

  2. Number two: you feel threatened by others' success instead of celebrating it. 

  3. Number three: you believe talent is innate, not developed. 

  4. Number four: you see failure as a limit to your abilities. 

  5. And number five: you shy away from constructive feedback or criticism.

Does any of this resonate with you? If it does, you're not alone. Many of us, even self-proclaimed personal development junkies, discover hidden fixed mindsets when we dig a little deeper.

Here's the deal – often, we claim to have a growth mindset because we believe everyone is capable of learning and growing. But simultaneously, we make statements like, "I'm just not good at detail" or "I'm not a math person." 

These are fixed mindset beliefs that can limit us without us even realising it.

Why do we need a growth mindset?

Now, let's talk about why this matters. Recognising and addressing a fixed mindset can be liberating. It opens the door to personal and professional growth. So, let's explore how to strengthen your growth mindset and, if you're a leader or a parent, how to foster it in your team or children.

But first, why does this fixed mindset thing even exist? It's deeply ingrained in our society and often passed down through generations. Our brains naturally gravitate toward the familiar and resist change. However, I firmly believe that cultivating a growth mindset is essential for success in leadership, parenting, and life in general.

Why am I so passionate about this?

Because I've experienced the transformation that comes with adopting a growth mindset. It's a foundational shift that paves the way for other personal and professional development. I call myself a bit of a growth mindset guru, not because it came naturally to me, but because I had to dive deep into the realms of mindset, psychology, neuroscience, and more to understand and embody it. And it truly changed EVERYTHING for me.

I used to dismiss my dreams of running my own business or becoming a coach, thinking I wasn't naturally talented for it. The breakthrough came when I realised that success is about skill acquisition, not innate talent. Leaders are made, not born. CEOs are made, not born. You can learn to handle difficult conversations, become organized, or excel in any area through focus and effort. These are simply skills that can be acquired through practice.


Now, let's address the elephant in the room – the power of neuroplasticity. Research shows that our brains have an incredible ability to change and grow at any age. What fires together, wires together. And a new skill is just a bunch of new neural pathways being strengthened in the brain.

Embracing the word "yet" in this process is key. Saying, "I'm not a leader yet" or "I'm not good at handling conflict yet" opens up possibilities and fuels the growth process in our brains for new learning.

Changing your Mindset

So, how do you develop a growth mindset? It starts with recognising the power of neuroplasticity and understanding that your brain and body are wired for change. You have control over your beliefs, and choosing a growth mindset is about asking which belief system serves you best

Now, if you're a leader or a parent, here are some tips for nurturing a growth mindset in your team or children. 

  1. Lead by example – embody a growth mindset yourself. 

  2. Praise wisely, focusing on effort, perseverance, and the learning process. 

  3. See failure as feedback and an opportunity for growth. 

  4. Be a "yet" champion – encourage others with the belief that they can learn anything with time and effort.

Adopting a growth mindset is not an overnight task. It requires understanding, practice, and a commitment to challenging limiting beliefs. But the rewards are immense – increased resilience, confidence, and a pathway to unlocking your fullest potential.

To learn more, tune into the SPARKED podcast to dive deeper on this topic!

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Emma Campbell Emma Campbell

5 Ways to Do Less + Achieve More for Busy, Working Parents

After so many heart-to-hearts with fellow parents who, like us, are juggling work, family, and everything in between, I know how important this will be for you. We're talking about the leaders, the mums, the dads - all trying to keep the ship sailing while building businesses, nurturing relationships, and yes, even stealing moments for fun and adventure.

Let's be real, being a parent and a business owner is a juggling act. Throw in the usual life stuff like bills, pets, sports, and, well, there's a lot on our plates. If you're feeling the weight of it all, you're not alone. This episode is dedicated to sharing some game-changing tips I've learned on my own journey - especially over the last rollercoaster of a year and a half. With a new house, a second kiddo, and a fur baby in tow, it's been a whirlwind.

I'm here to spill the beans on my top 5 actionable tips for doing more with less - perfect for busy working parents, but honestly, applicable to anyone. It's all about reclaiming your time, your energy, and most importantly, your marriage. And it starts with breaking up with the idea that your worth is tied to your productivity. Trust me on this one, it's a game-changer.

Tip 1: Know What Truly Matters

First things first, you need to know what truly matters to you. It sounds simple, right? But how often do we really sit down and ask ourselves what's most important? Take some time to define your personal vision, purpose, and values. If you're a family, do this together. It becomes your North Star, guiding you through life's ups and downs.

Tip 2: Embrace the 80/20 Rule

Ever heard of the Pareto Principle? It's a game-changer. Focus on the 20% of effort that leads to 80% of the impact. Not all tasks are created equal, so figure out what actions yield the most significant results for you. Identify your "one thing" - the task that, once done, makes everything else easier or unnecessary.

Tip 3: Schedule Personal Check-Ins

Make time for weekly personal check-ins. Reflect on your goals, needs, and priorities. It's your chance to learn from your experiences and ensure you're steering in the right direction. Trust me, this habit is like an accountability buddy for your life.

Tip 4: Implement a Family Check-In Routine

Create a weekly check-in ritual with your partner. Keep it short, sweet, and to the point. Share updates on goals, needs, and any support required. Consider using a visual tool like a family whiteboard to keep everyone on the same page. It's been a game-changer for us.

Tip 5: Define Roles and Responsibilities

Sit down with your partner and list out all the tasks you do in a week. Be detailed! Then, discuss who handles what and ensure it feels fair and balanced. If there are tasks that neither of you enjoys, consider outsourcing. Trust me, it's a sanity-saver.

Remember, it's not about doing more, it's about doing what matters most. So, go ahead, put these tips into action, and watch as you reclaim your time, energy, and reignite your sense of purpose. After all, life's too short not to enjoy every bit of the awesomeness it has to offer!

To dive deeper on this topic, tune into the Spark Podcast episode HERE!

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Emma Campbell Emma Campbell

Why Team Psychological Safety Really matters

We're about to dissect the buzzworthy topic of "psychological safety" within teams. It's been tossed around a lot lately, and for good reason. We'll break down what it truly means, why it's crucial, and how you can foster a supportive environment within your team.

Decoding Psychological Safety in Teams

Psychological safety within a team is like this unwritten agreement among all members. It's the shared belief that taking risks, sharing ideas, asking questions, and admitting mistakes won't come back to haunt you. In simpler terms, it's a team's way of saying, "We're in this together, no judgment zone."

The Weight of Psychological Safety: Why Does it Matter?

Beyond warm and fuzzy feelings, psychologically safe teams operate on a different level. They're more cohesive, teamwork is seamless, engagement levels skyrocket, and guess what? People stick around. Working in an environment where you can bring your whole self to the table without the fear of backlash is a game-changer.

Confidence vs. Leadership: The Dynamic Duo of Psychological Safety

Now, is it about individual confidence or leadership's prowess in creating a safe space? It's a bit of both. Your personal confidence definitely plays a role, but leaders set the stage. It's a dance where everyone contributes their moves. In psychologically safe teams, individuals shine – more confident, more creative, and just all-around exceptional.

Unlocking the Neuroscience of Psychological Safety

Let's talk brain science. When your brain feels safe, it's like all the different parts are hosting a party and vibing together. But when tension kicks in, the brain's bouncer (aka the amygdala) starts kicking out the cool, creative crew. Feeling safe at work isn't just about warm fuzzies; it's about optimal brain function.

Reading the Signs: How Do You Know Your Team's Riding the Safety Wave?

Spotting a psychologically safe team is easier than you think. Look for signs like team members owning up to mistakes without fear, open discussions about problems, embracing diversity, taking risks, asking for help without hesitation, and recognizing and valuing each team member's unique skills. It's all about that positive energy.

Crafting Psychological Safety: Strategies for Building Trust

Leaders, listen up. Building psychological safety starts with seeing mistakes as growth opportunities, showing vulnerability, actively seeking team input, and celebrating when someone spills the tea on a mistake. It's about creating a safe clubhouse where everyone's got a VIP pass to authenticity and growth.

Pulse Checks and Measures: How Do You Gauge Psychological Safety?

Measuring this stuff isn't rocket science. Combine psychological safety checks with your regular engagement pulse checks. Do it regularly, a few times a year, to keep a finger on the team's vibe. Because vibes change, and it's vital to catch any shifts early and infuse positivity when needed.

In a Nutshell: The Transformative Impact of Psychological Safety

Psychological safety isn't just a workplace buzzword; it's the secret sauce for high-performing teams. Recognise it, nurture it, and watch your workplace transform into a hub of innovation and collaboration. Whether you're a team player or the team captain, embracing psychological safety is like turning on the turbo boost for success. Here's to safe spaces and thriving vibes! 🚀

To dive deeper on this topic, tune into the Spark Podcast episode HERE!

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Emma Campbell Emma Campbell

How to Delegate like a Boss

Delegation is a crucial skill for all leaders, and a great step in freeing up your time for bigger and better things!

Today, we're diving into an essential skill for leaders: delegation. It's all about sharing tasks with others in a way that gets things done just right. Imagine doing something once and having it turn out exactly the way you want it to! That's the magic of effective delegation.

Delegating is like passing a torch in a relay race. It's a step in going from doing everything to leading your team. This way, you can focus on the really important stuff for your business, like making big plans and helping it grow.

Why is delegation so awesome? Well, when you give a task to someone, it's like saying, "I trust you, and I know you can do it." It makes them feel important and appreciated. They get to learn and grow, and it boosts their motivation to work. So, it's a win-win!

When you delegate, you're not just lightening your load, you're also helping your business grow. You then get to focus on the big picture stuff, like making smart decisions and building a great team. It's like putting the big rocks in the jar first, so everything else fits around them.

But sometimes, even when we know delegation is important, we hesitate. We might worry about who to delegate to or how to make sure the task is done right. That's totally normal!

What holds us back from delegating:

  1. Not Knowing How: You might be unsure of how to start or think it's easier to do it yourself.

  2. No Time: You might feel like you're too busy to explain the task.

  3. Choosing the Right Task: Deciding which task to delegate can be tricky.

  4. Picking the Right Person: You might wonder who's the best fit for the job.

  5. Fear of Mistakes: You might worry that the work won't be up to your standards.

  6. Feeling Bad for Others: You might be concerned about overloading someone.

  7. Fear of Losing Control: It's natural to feel a little nervous about letting go.

Here's the secret: Mindset is key!

Before you can be a delegating master, you need to believe in your team. Trust that they can do it and overcome any fears you might have.

Now, let's talk about the 'how'. When should you delegate a task? Here are some questions to ask:

  1. Can someone else do this task, or is it super specific to you?

  2. Will this task help someone else learn and grow?

  3. Will this task come up again in the future?

  4. Can you make time to explain the task effectively?

  5. Is this task something that's repetitive or time-consuming?

Once you've decided to delegate, here's how you do it:

  1. Explain the Why: Share why the task is important and how it fits into the bigger picture.

  2. Describe Success: Paint a picture of what a successful outcome looks like.

  3. Believe in Them: Show them that you trust and believe in their abilities.

  4. Share Priorities: Tell them what's most important about the task.

  5. Set Check-ins: Plan regular updates to make sure everything is on track.

  6. Ask for Feedback: Have them repeat back what they understood to avoid misunderstandings.

Remember, these extra steps might take a little more time upfront, but they'll save you lots of time in the long run.

Delegation is like a relay race. You pass on the task, and your team member takes it from there. They might even come up with a better way to do it! So, believe in your team, trust them, and watch your business grow.

And guess what? Even great CEOs struggled with delegation at first. But with the right mindset, you can become a delegation master!

I hope you enjoyed learning about delegation. It's a superpower for leaders. Keep learning and growing!

If you want to dive deeper, check out the SPARKED podcast where I share a bunch of examples on just this topic.

Big love x

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Emma Campbell Emma Campbell

What were you like as a Child?

There's no doubt about it, whether you like (or remember) it or not, your childhood has a MASSIVE impact on the person or personality you are today.

Hey legend,

There's no doubt about it, whether you like (or remember) it or not, your childhood has a MASSIVE impact on the person or personality you are today. 

Your beliefs about the world, money, work and life were all primarily formed in the first 7 years of your life, absorbed from those around you... your caregivers, your parents. Teachers. Society. Media.

Why the first 7 years?

This is the period of life when your subconscious brain is most active. Which often means any messages you heard during that period tend to sink directly into your subconscious belief system (rather than being filtered through an analytical conscious brain).

Crazy right? Can be a bit scary to hear as a parent! (Don't worry though, beliefs can be changed! 😅)

It then begs the question... what were you like as a kid?

As a kid, were you the...

  • High-achieving, driven, competitive type? (AKA Type 3)

  • Perfectionist, detail-driven high moral type? (AKA Type 1)

  • Fun-loving, excitable, always busy type? (AKA Type 7)

  • Easy-going, 'well-behaved', peaceful type? (AKA Type 9)

  • People-pleasing, empathic, caring type? (AKA Type 2)

And if you can't remember, you're not alone - turns out, our memories are pretty horrendous for remembering what we did last weekend, let alone what childhood was like!

If you don't know which "type" you are, take the 'What's Your Leadership Style' Quiz >> HERE << to find out. (You'll want to do this before reading the rest of this email!)

We all have so much deeply unconscious conditioning that we’re unaware of until someone shines a light on it. This quiz was designed to shed light on what's playing out in your sub/unconscious system - the part of our brain which impacts 95% of your life and work - so is worth paying attention to!

On the >> latest episode << of the SPARKED podcast, I dive deeper into this topic. I explain the 9 different "Types" of leaders, and how your childhood may have contributed to the type of leader you are today. 

Because there's a good chance, how you were as a kid is not so different to how you are right now.

Which means, those skills and abilities you developed as a kid about how to get ahead, be seen, be happy, achieve goals, influence others, and get your needs met - they're all now deeply rooted NATURAL strengths. 

For example - if you're a "2" or a 'Collaborator', then you're a natural empath, a powerful connector and incredibly attuned to others needs. As a leader, your superpower is in your empathetic ability to connect in deeply with your employees or clients, to help them, influence them, get them on-side, build rapport and powerfully impact them.

If you're a "7" or an 'Enthusiast', you'll be a natural 'ideas woman', full of energy, excitement and spark. As a leader, your superpower is in harnessing this energy. This energy is contagious - allow this positive energy to infuse through to your team during meetings and lift others up. Share your ideas and vision with passion knowing that it will naturally inspire others just to be around that fire.

These natural strengths are your SUPERPOWERS. So, play to them! They are unique to you and will create EFFORTLESS impact.

This awareness can seriously change your leadership forever.

I recently led a workshop with a leadership team on this topic and the feedback was next level - with the CEO sharing, "Em, that workshop was eye-opening, the best workshop we've ever had."

To discover your superpowers, tune into the latest >> SPARKED podcast << - its a banger.

Or even better, book in your FREE Personalised Leadership Styles Debrief >> HERE! <<

And remember, it's all so possible.

Em x

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Emma Campbell Emma Campbell

How Lit Up, Inspired And Fulfilled Are You By Your Work?

The Alignment Method will ultimately support you in building a business, career (and life) that is your own - one that is unique to you and therefore one that intrinsically FEELS good, fulfils you and lights you up.

Hey legend,

Tell me, on the SPARK Scale of 1 to 10, how lit up, inspired and fulfilled are you by the work that you do?

  • 1 = Might look like dragging your heels to get through the day, feeling heavy, near burnout

  • 5 = Might feel like going through the motions, a little detached/off, perhaps even numb, and feeling drained/low energy

  • 10 = Might look like jumping out of bed every morning lit up, inspired, buzzing with ideas, full of passion + purpose, full of energy and optimism

Where are you right now?

There's no right or wrong of course! This is simply an awareness exercise to help you identify where you are right now and ultimately... move you along a few points to where you want to be! 🚀

I've spoken to dozens of business owners over the last couple of years of COVID and I've noticed a-lot of near-burnt-out ones.

Leaders who have been drained by the constant turnover of team members, financial challenges, constant change, uncertainty and pressure that comes with running a business and team. 

Leaders who have become disconnected to WHY they started their thing in the first place, from WHY they do what they do and what impact they're here to make.

Which makes total sense right? After the massive couple of years we've had, these leaders have been in Survival Mode, focused on keeping the team and business afloat.

The result of this stress however is often a disconnection from your inner SPARK, your inner flame of passion, your energy source and life force ✨

And to reconnect to this spark requires coming back to YOU. Your purpose, your WHY, your values, your vision. It requires asking the big questions about what matters most to you at the end of the day. 

It requires refreshing yourself on these things, speaking them out loud and capturing them - all on one page 😎

And allowing these things to guide your next step forward.

I call this process the >> ALIGNMENT METHOD << which I speak about in the latest episode of the SPARKED podcast.

If this sounds like you then you'll want to dive right into this episode...

  • You're a leader of a small business or team and still feel like you're in 'recovery mode' after the stress of Covid

  • You've felt a bit pulled off track lately and like your ego is running the show!

  • You've had moments of losing your spark and passion for what you do

This episode is here to reconnect you with what matters most, your spark and your most inspired, lit up self ✨

The Alignment Method will ultimately support you in building a business, career (and life) that is your own - one that is unique to you and therefore one that intrinsically FEELS good, fulfils you and lights you up (rather than one that might look good on the outside but leave you burnt you out or feeling empty on the inside)!


And remember - it's all so possible.

Big love, Em x

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Emma Campbell Emma Campbell

Embrace Your Wild Feminine Flow In Business + Leadership

Let me introduce you to Wild Feminine Cycle Coach, good friend, my mastermind Accountability Buddy, and recently International Coach of the Year (!)... Charlotte Pointeaux ✨

Hey legend,

Heads up, this one leans a little more towards the laaaaaadies today 💃

[However, if you're a man with a female in your life... then send this one her way - I have no doubt she'll get LOADS out of it!]

Let me introduce you to Wild Feminine Cycle Coach, good friend, my mastermind Accountability Buddy, and recently International Coach of the Year (!)... Charlotte Pointeaux ✨

When we were first paired up together in our mastermind, we hit it off from the start, sharing our fears and dreams in long Whatsapp voice messages to eachother and quickly found we had so much in common!

I was breastfeeding my 5 month old baby Hazel at the time we met and hence was deeply in my 'feminine' intuitive flow yet was still working in a business and working in a way that felt very "masculine" - relying on pushing, striving and hustling to get things done.

Charlotte (who has 3 kids might I add!) got me started in understanding how to work with both my feminine and masculine in a powerful way. She taught me about how the lunar and menstrual cycles can help us feel more freedom, flow and peace in life while achieving our dreams faster! Triple win!

As a driven, high achiever, I’d loved the idea of harnessing the power of my cycles to both achieve AND rest more. And I fell deeply in LOVE the moment I realised this meant I didn’t have to be “on” all the time - that I could have moments where I gave myself permission to 'go hard' and others where I could rest, bath and meditate - without guilt.

Charlotte also shares her journey with accepting the "International Coach of the Year" award and how she moved through the imposter syndrome that came along for the ride.

My life has been changed for the better since devouring all the goodness and wisdom Charlotte has to offer, I trust it will do the same for you!

In the latest SPARKED episode, you’ll learn:

How to get started with menstrual and moon cycle tracking (for beginners!)

  • How to achieve AND rest more by harnessing the power of your cycles

  • How to move through ‘imposter syndrome’ in leadership and expand into your next level self

  • How women can work with their 28 day cycle in a 24 hour (“man’s”) world

  • How to harness your superpowers, be more of yourself and welcome your inner introvert and extravert

Listen here >> Embrace Your Wild Feminine Flow in Leadership + Business with Charlotte Pointeaux <<

Enjoy - and remember, its all SO ridiculously possible.

Em x

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Emma Campbell Emma Campbell

Get More Success in Your Life or Work

Can you recall the last time you tried something new or put something out to the world and copped a big slap in the face of rejection... or things not going to plan?

  • Maybe it was creating an offer, putting it out to the world and it being met with crickets.

  • Maybe it was starting a new business and getting a big fat ZERO clients enquiring.

  • Maybe it was working SO hard to positively shift something within your team and getting nothing but more negativity.

I bet in that moment, certain thoughts went through your head like..

  • I'm such a failure

  • I guess I'm just not good enough

  • There must be something wrong with me

  • How it is so easy for OTHER people? I guess I'm just not cut out for this... I might as well just give up and try something else.

If those thoughts sound familiar, know that you're not alone. It's a very common and human response... however, while common, a not so helpful one for getting you closer to the success you desire.

What to do instead?

I challenge you to see 'failure' differently.

What if one of the 'worst' things that happened to you became one of the BEST things that happened to you... because of what it taught you?

This is what we spoke about on Ep. 28 of the SPARKED podcast -5 Ways to Overcome Failure +Achieve your Dream

What if you shifted your definition of failure? Because who else but you gets to choose what an event means in your life?

What if "failure" simply meant not achieving your goal...yet?

What if failure simply meant FEEDBACK... that was edging you ever closer to your desired result?

What if failure = an opportunity for learning, growing, getting better, stronger, smarter, wiser, more capable... moving you ever closer to ultimate success and the person you need to BECOME, to be ready to handle that success you desire?

That's how these millionaires HAD to view their failures:

  • AirBNB launched their business 7 times before finding success. They're now a $25BN company changing how people travel and experience the world.

  • JK Rowling was rejected by 12 publishers before Harry Potter was accepted. It is now the highest sold book in history.

  • Walt Disney was not only fired for not being creative enough, he was also rejected 302 times before he finally got finance. Now his movies are in every home in the world and his Disney World has inspired magic for kids and adults everywhere.

  • Kolonel Sanders was rejected 1009 times on his famous KFC recipe before finding a taker.

  • Tim Ferris's 4 Hour Workweek was rejected by 25 publishers. His net worth is now $50m and his podcast is one of the highest listened to in the world.

Imagine if these guys stopped after being rejected or 'failing'? We wouldn't have airBNB, Harry Potter, the Lion King and Disney world, KFC (!) or the 4 Hour Workweek.

If you have something hot on your heart, if you have a dream or mission for the future that inspires you and lights your body on fire... then don't let 1 or 2 (or 1000) rejections or apparent 'failures' get in the way of your dreams. What would the world be missing if you gave up your mission?

There is only ONE thing you need to do to achieve success.

Shift your definition of failure.

There's actually no such thing. It's a made up concept. There's no objective definition of what constitutes a failure or not. So, if it's made up, then you can decide what you want it to mean for you.

Failure is feedback, edging you EVER closer to your true dreams and desires.

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Emma Campbell Emma Campbell

6 Powerful Ways to Motivate Your Team

Tell me if this sounds familiar...

  • Hearing an awesome podcast or talking to a coach that's got you all inspired for all the awesome things you want to achieve in your life or business

  • You harness this feeling of excitement by investing time setting a big exciting goal or vision - maybe you even declare it and write it up on a whiteboard!

  • A few days go by, life gets in the way and you think, "What was that thing that I was so excited a few days ago?"

  • Weeks go by and it fades into the background. You go back to business as usual, doing things as you've always done. Back to living in 'default' mode. Nothing changes.

Sound familiar?

You've invested time and energy creating an inspiring, compelling vision for your business.

What now?

How do you make sure it actually happens?

How do you rally your team around it and get them as excited as you are?

Here's the 6 most powerful tips I've shared on Ep.29 of SPARKED ("6 Powerful Strategies to Motivate Your Team and Get Them On Board With Your Vision")

1. Play to your strengths. Create space + time to share your vision with your team in a way that plays to your unique strengths, personality and culture! If you're a natural performer, then get up on stage and make a big show of it! If you're quieter and more introverted, create smaller more intimate Vision-squads to have deeper conversations about that vision.

2. Connect the dots for your team. Help those around you understand the key part they play in bringing that vision to life. How does their role specifically contribute to the bigger picture? (hint: this is one of the most powerful ways to foster a sense of significance, purpose + meaning with your team)

3. Share the benefits of achieving the vision. Help build their intrinsic motivation by giving examples of what benefits the vision will have for them personally, the team, the business as a whole and your community of clients and customers. E.g. career and growth opportunities, promotions, salary increases, greater impact, working with bigger clients etc.

4. Build a "vision-tracking" system. You can't just stick the vision up on the wall and think that's enough. You need a system for creating alignment, turning that mission into milestones and keeping you on track. OKR’s (or a vision-aligned objective setting system) are an AWESOME tool for this!

5. Share progress updates along the way. Keep your team involved and updated along the way so they feel included and PART of the vision. HINT: Quarterly Vision Offsite Days are a good start!

6. Ask for their ideas + input in bringing it to life. Your team is a wealth of knowledge craving a place to funnel their creative expertise. Ask them Qs like, "Where do you want to play a part in achieving our vision? What ideas do you have for bringing this to life faster? What unique strengths can you offer in co-creating this vision?"

And that's it legend.

Nailing these 6 areas will have your team as excited, onboard and lit up as you in bringing that big, bad, bold vision to life.

To hear stories and examples of how my current clients are implementing the above, then tune into the latest SPARKED podcast HERE

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