Get More Success in Your Life or Work

Can you recall the last time you tried something new or put something out to the world and copped a big slap in the face of rejection... or things not going to plan?

  • Maybe it was creating an offer, putting it out to the world and it being met with crickets.

  • Maybe it was starting a new business and getting a big fat ZERO clients enquiring.

  • Maybe it was working SO hard to positively shift something within your team and getting nothing but more negativity.

I bet in that moment, certain thoughts went through your head like..

  • I'm such a failure

  • I guess I'm just not good enough

  • There must be something wrong with me

  • How it is so easy for OTHER people? I guess I'm just not cut out for this... I might as well just give up and try something else.

If those thoughts sound familiar, know that you're not alone. It's a very common and human response... however, while common, a not so helpful one for getting you closer to the success you desire.

What to do instead?

I challenge you to see 'failure' differently.

What if one of the 'worst' things that happened to you became one of the BEST things that happened to you... because of what it taught you?

This is what we spoke about on Ep. 28 of the SPARKED podcast -5 Ways to Overcome Failure +Achieve your Dream

What if you shifted your definition of failure? Because who else but you gets to choose what an event means in your life?

What if "failure" simply meant not achieving your goal...yet?

What if failure simply meant FEEDBACK... that was edging you ever closer to your desired result?

What if failure = an opportunity for learning, growing, getting better, stronger, smarter, wiser, more capable... moving you ever closer to ultimate success and the person you need to BECOME, to be ready to handle that success you desire?

That's how these millionaires HAD to view their failures:

  • AirBNB launched their business 7 times before finding success. They're now a $25BN company changing how people travel and experience the world.

  • JK Rowling was rejected by 12 publishers before Harry Potter was accepted. It is now the highest sold book in history.

  • Walt Disney was not only fired for not being creative enough, he was also rejected 302 times before he finally got finance. Now his movies are in every home in the world and his Disney World has inspired magic for kids and adults everywhere.

  • Kolonel Sanders was rejected 1009 times on his famous KFC recipe before finding a taker.

  • Tim Ferris's 4 Hour Workweek was rejected by 25 publishers. His net worth is now $50m and his podcast is one of the highest listened to in the world.

Imagine if these guys stopped after being rejected or 'failing'? We wouldn't have airBNB, Harry Potter, the Lion King and Disney world, KFC (!) or the 4 Hour Workweek.

If you have something hot on your heart, if you have a dream or mission for the future that inspires you and lights your body on fire... then don't let 1 or 2 (or 1000) rejections or apparent 'failures' get in the way of your dreams. What would the world be missing if you gave up your mission?

There is only ONE thing you need to do to achieve success.

Shift your definition of failure.

There's actually no such thing. It's a made up concept. There's no objective definition of what constitutes a failure or not. So, if it's made up, then you can decide what you want it to mean for you.

Failure is feedback, edging you EVER closer to your true dreams and desires.


Embrace Your Wild Feminine Flow In Business + Leadership