How Lit Up, Inspired And Fulfilled Are You By Your Work?

Hey legend,

Tell me, on the SPARK Scale of 1 to 10, how lit up, inspired and fulfilled are you by the work that you do?

  • 1 = Might look like dragging your heels to get through the day, feeling heavy, near burnout

  • 5 = Might feel like going through the motions, a little detached/off, perhaps even numb, and feeling drained/low energy

  • 10 = Might look like jumping out of bed every morning lit up, inspired, buzzing with ideas, full of passion + purpose, full of energy and optimism

Where are you right now?

There's no right or wrong of course! This is simply an awareness exercise to help you identify where you are right now and ultimately... move you along a few points to where you want to be! 🚀

I've spoken to dozens of business owners over the last couple of years of COVID and I've noticed a-lot of near-burnt-out ones.

Leaders who have been drained by the constant turnover of team members, financial challenges, constant change, uncertainty and pressure that comes with running a business and team. 

Leaders who have become disconnected to WHY they started their thing in the first place, from WHY they do what they do and what impact they're here to make.

Which makes total sense right? After the massive couple of years we've had, these leaders have been in Survival Mode, focused on keeping the team and business afloat.

The result of this stress however is often a disconnection from your inner SPARK, your inner flame of passion, your energy source and life force ✨

And to reconnect to this spark requires coming back to YOU. Your purpose, your WHY, your values, your vision. It requires asking the big questions about what matters most to you at the end of the day. 

It requires refreshing yourself on these things, speaking them out loud and capturing them - all on one page 😎

And allowing these things to guide your next step forward.

I call this process the >> ALIGNMENT METHOD << which I speak about in the latest episode of the SPARKED podcast.

If this sounds like you then you'll want to dive right into this episode...

  • You're a leader of a small business or team and still feel like you're in 'recovery mode' after the stress of Covid

  • You've felt a bit pulled off track lately and like your ego is running the show!

  • You've had moments of losing your spark and passion for what you do

This episode is here to reconnect you with what matters most, your spark and your most inspired, lit up self ✨

The Alignment Method will ultimately support you in building a business, career (and life) that is your own - one that is unique to you and therefore one that intrinsically FEELS good, fulfils you and lights you up (rather than one that might look good on the outside but leave you burnt you out or feeling empty on the inside)!


And remember - it's all so possible.

Big love, Em x


What were you like as a Child?